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I was on the 8.8.2015 in your hotel, booking a massage (I wasn't a guest) for me (30min.) and my girlfriend (30min.). With Aris Theodosiou.
He chose to massage me first, as he said that he only had to massage men the whole day.
He massaged me for 30min. After that he massaged my girlfriend.
As she told me from her recollection, he massaged her in a way that made her feel very incomfortable. He took alot of oil and massaged her butt for a very long time while telling her
how beautiful she was and how he liked to massaged beautiful women. He kept on touching her butt, which is funny because he didn't massage me like that at all. She even wanted to keep the towel on the butt, but he kept on removing it from her butt. Last but not least, he massaged her for over an hour and told her then that he enjoyed it very much. My girlfriend was very incomfortable and didn't know that he kept touching her in strange ways for over an hour and just massaged me for 30min.
That's very inappropriate and is what we here call sexual harrasment. I'm informing the hotel because I want to warn you guys to check on him while he massages women and touches them in strange ways.
I will be back again, and I'm already saying that this wont be wothout consequences for Aris.
I'm sure you remember me, I'm the guy with the brown skin who waited on the balcony and did the Diving course (Achilleon Diving)
- Αύγουστος 2015
- Ταξίδι Αναψυχής
- Όχι